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Pharmacy Solutions

Rewards & Loyalty

Grow your business by creating a custom program that rewards customer loyalty

Effective rewards & loyalty programs through Minfos can help you build long-term customer relationships and increase sales.

See below features of our Minfos Loyalty integration
Mangaging loyalty

Easily manage your loyalty member’s detail s and issue a card or replacement card from the Till

Redeeming loyalty

Process loyalty sale and redeem cash or points

Product management

Effortlessly include or exclude products from the loyalty program

Exclude dispense items

Minfos automatically excludes items dispensed from earning loyalty currency and having promotional discounts applied at the Till

Customer account

Invoice a loyalty sale to a customer account


Loyalty can even by applied for lay-by sales with the loyalty currency earned only after the final payment has been made

Find out more

Get in touch with us via our Help Centre, email [email protected] or call us on 1300 887 418