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Pharmacy Solutions


Get better insight to improve customer sales and loyalty

Access single customer view & use data driven information to build strong relationships with your customers.

Here's how you can do this using Minfos
Centralised customer records

Access your customer accounts, scripts and sales information whether you are using POS (Till) or dispense


Identify your loyal customers using our top customer report so you can create strategies to keep them coming back


Mail merge customers to create personalised marketing campaigns

Customer accounts

Access every day or third party accounts to assist with management of Work Cover

Email customer accounts

Reduce postage and handling cost by emailing your customer accounts with tailored account messages

Set reoccurring charges to customer accounts

Save time by setting up monthly reoccurring charges to be automatically charged to customer accounts

Link family members

Link family members to the one account to easily process transactions


Grow your business by creating a custom loyalty program that rewards customer loyalty

Find out more

Get in touch with us via our Help Centre, email or call us on 1300 887 418